Name: Teresa I.
IGN: Wing
Age: 13
Gender: Female
IGN: Wing
Location: California, USA
Timezone: PST, -8
How long have you been playing maplestory/perservers?: About a year
Do you have any experience as a GM? If so, please show one or two pictures as proof: None, hopefully this will be the first, though I know all commands, item IDs, and Mob IDs.
How long do you play on this server as a player?: About an hour a day.
How long would you play IF you're picked as a GM?: I would go on at least two hours per day, all day Saturday, and 1pm to 4pm on Sunday.
Why do you want to be a gm?:I want to help this server grow and become a better server. I want to help players and with this opportunity I will do so.
Why should I pick you to be a GM?:
I am willing to help and commit my time to help this server. I will help guide new players, and will do my best to find hackers. I also wish to help with events and other things that the server needs help with. I will also help by making videos to recruit.
What can you do for this sever?:
I can help new people and post videos regarding this private server. I may also recruit newe people for the server. I can also hold events or help with what the server might need help with.
Will you follow the rules?:
I promise that I will follow all of the rules for players and GMs.
If you found a hacker, what would you do?
Confirm that the person is hacking, then temporarily or permanently ban the person, or put in jail.
If your friend was hacking, what would you do?
I would do the same as if I had found an ordinary hacker, even if the person is my friend.
Tell me a little about yourself: I have been playing Maplestory for awhile now, and i enjoy playing private servers. I think I am honest and serious and will do a good job as a GM.
Ending comment: Hi.